The depollution & preservation of the water
have never been easier!

The Jellyfishbot, the robot that collects waste & oil and realises underwater measurements
Waste & oil depollution solution
Inspections & bathymetry solution
Genuine « Swiss Army Knife »,
the Jellyfishbot is designed for all

Genuine "Swiss Army Knife",
the Jellyfishbot is designed for all

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Navy, coast guards, firefighters, oil companies, anti-pollution services

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Plastic and petrochemical industries, marine & civil works, distribution channels, dams, fish farming, water treatment plants, power plants

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Harbours, waterways, marinas, yachting, shipyards, commercial ports, river ports, canals, lakes



Leisure centers, aquariums, amusement parks, castles, hotels residences, golfs



Universities, scientists, private labs, NGO's, foundations, associations

What are you looking for ?


Autonomous and remotely controlled electric robot designed for waste collection, bathymetric survey and water sampling.

Jellyfishbot Expert

Robust and industry-proof robot, that collects waste and oil autonomously or remotely.

Mobile Oil Skimmer

Unique system designed not only for clean-up companies, but also for governmentanti-pollution services (military, fire department, etc.) and industrial sites.

IADYS Monitoring Station

Web platform that allows the users of IADYS systems (Jellyfishbot & MOS) to visualise the data they have collected and to generate maps.


The Jellyfishbot plays a pivotal role in mitigating the amount of organic and inorganic solids that are in our site stormwater conveyance systems and reduce the risk of ergonomic stress and heat fatigue. The Jellyfishbot robots are designed to operate autonomously, and this autonomy means that they can tirelessly patrol our internal storm water systems, regardless of weather conditions.

By removing the need for humans to access water areas in hot and sometime emergency rain flood situations, the water skimmer robots contribute significantly to better worker safety. This shift towards automation not only reduces the physical challenges faced by crews but also allows human resources to be redirected toward more strategic and impactful roles within our operations.

The combination of their autonomous nature and advanced sensor technology enables these robots to navigate and operate in challenging environments with precision, minimizing any potential collisions with walls, existing assets, and sloped banks. This newfound ability to operate independently makes them a powerful and efficient tool. As a result, they not only tirelessly help filter out solids, but also improve the safety of those in charge of overseeing the operation.

We look forward to delivery of the next innovation, a floating docking station, which will allow the robot to dock itself when needed for charging.

Catherine Tea Robotics Engineer, Digital Operations Center, Dow Chemical

Our R&D and field teams have worked in close collaboration with IADYS to adapt the robot to our specific case, and after successful tests we have decided to buy one robot and we managed to follow up on our operation, with total safety. As of today, we are using the Jellyfishbot on some of our sites, when the specs allow it, and we are very pleased by its robustness, its simplicity and its adaptivity.
Working in partnership with IADYS team, that I would describe as ingenious, responsive and shares the same values than us, was a tremendous satisfaction.

Laurent Mansuelle Technical Expert for SERPOL

What attracted us to this solution was the fact that it was innovative for our ambitious environmental policy. It’s a great success, as we are the last step before the ocean. It’s easy to use. It’s an efficient and flexible solution that can sneak in easily in the hard-to-reach areas. It’s almost a surgical cleaner.

Natacha Massu Head of the Environment Department of Haropa Port - Le Havre

The Monaco Sanitary Company (Société Monégasque d’Assainissement) has purchased this robot to maintain the Larvotto beach swimming area enclosed throughout the season by an anti jellyfish net.
This robot has replaced the previously used sea scooter thanks to its following advantages: less noise, no smell, more efficiency, less risk for swimmers and more serenity for the agents in charge of cleaning the water.
The robot is easy and very handy to use, emptying the net is simple and the autonomy is very satisfactory.

Marie Bérard Cleanliness & Environment Assistant Director of Monaco Sanitation company
The Jellyfishbot’s impact

The Jellyfishbot's impact

Nicolas Carlési CEO IADYS

Nicolas Carlési

Jellyfishbot’s creator, IADYS’ Founder & CEO
« By diving in the Mediterranean sea, I realised that I had no choice but to wake up to the urgency of the situation. I decided to initiate a project that puts my robotics skills at the service of the marine environment. »

Reduction of floating waste and oil before dispersal of the waste in open sea

Helping to improve water quality

Protection of the aquatic biodiversity

No polluting emission in the air, thanks to its electric batteries

Improvement of the staff and user's working conditions

Awareness-raising among the population regarding environmental protection

The contribution of the Jellyfishbot
to the UN SDG’s
Through an ambitious CSR program, we have identified 7 UN SDGs
on which we have the most impact and on which it is essential to act now

The robots in the world and our sales representatives

Our distribution network and the Jellyfishbots deployed


Jellyfishbot deployed



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Privacy policy


The purpose of this form is to inform you of your rights, in particular under the new EU Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of personal data (GDRP) Only in specific cases will this form also allow us to obtain your consent.Pursuant to Law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 and EU Regulation 2016/679, which went into effect on 25 May 2018, it is recalled that the personal data requested from our Visitors and/or Customers in general, even for professional purposes, are necessary for the processing of requests for information they are sending to us, in particular via our website, but also for the processing of orders that they ask us to carry out subsequently as part of the business commitments that have been concluded. This is the main purpose of collecting such data.There is a particular commercial, accounting and logistical purpose to processing data: to provide information about our products and services, or execute an order or contract. In order for your data to be also used, and possibly for promotional or advertising purposes, or for invitations to trade fairs or for communication operations, your consent will be required by ticking the box at the bottom of this page.These data shall not be communicated to third parties to the contract or the order, the only recipients thereof being the employees of our company, and the various participants and service providers which are party to the contract, for example for purposes of transport and delivery. Any person who has access to these data shall be bound by an obligation of confidentiality, specifically as regards the privacy of the personal data to which that person shall have access.The data to be provided will be flagged as mandatory or optional, it being specified that failure to reply might impede the processing of all or part of your order or contract.These data are kept for the legal retention period provided for each data category. The Client or Visitor has, in accordance with national and European regulations in force, a right to permanently access, modify, rectify or oppose the data, as well as having portability right with regard to the information concerning him/her.This right may be exercised under the terms and conditions, and in accordance with the procedures, that will be communicated to you by our Data Controller, the Communication Department, whom you can contact by e-mail at the following address: The Data Controller will reply to you within a maximum of one month and will have the option of extending this deadline by an additional two months depending on the complexity and number of requests, provided that he/she informs the data subject within one month of his/her request for the right of access. If the request is incomplete (e.g. no identity document), the Data Controller is entitled to request additional information: the period shall then be suspended and shall recommence, once this information has been given.

Politique de confidentialité


Le présent formulaire a pour objectif de vous informer de vos droits notamment au titre du Règlement UE 2016/679 relatif à la protection des données à caractère personnel. Dans certains cas seulement, ce formulaire nous permettra également de recueillir votre consentement. En application de la loi 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 et du Règlement UE 2016/679, en application le 25 mai 2018, il est rappelé que les données à caractère personnel qui sont demandées à nos Visiteurs et/ou Clients en général, même à des fins professionnelles, sont nécessaires au traitement des demandes d’informations qu’ils nous adressent notamment via notre site internet, mais également au traitement des commandes qu’ils nous demandent de réaliser par la suite dans le cadre des engagements commerciaux qui auront été conclus. La collecte de ces données a donc cette principale finalité. La finalité de ce traitement est notamment d’ordre commercial, comptable, et logistique en vue d’une information sur nos produits et services, sur l’exécution d’une commande ou d’un contrat. Afin que vos données puissent être également et éventuellement utilisées dans le cadre d’opérations promotionnelles ou publicitaires, ou pour des invitations à des salons, des opérations de communication, votre consentement sera requis au bas du présent formulaire. Ces données ne sont pas communiquées à des tiers au contrat ou à la commande, les seuls destinataires étant les membres du personnel de notre société, et les différents intervenants et prestataires parties au contrat, par exemple pour le transport et la livraison. Toute personne qui aura accès à ces données, sera tenue par une obligation de confidentialité faisant spécifiquement référence au respect de la confidentialité des données personnelles auxquelles cette personne aura accès. Ces données à fournir seront mentionnées comme obligatoires ou facultatives étant précisé que le défaut de réponse peut être un obstacle au traitement de tout ou partie de votre commande ou contrat. Ces données sont conservées pendant le délai légal de conservation prévu pour chaque catégorie de données. Le Client ou Visiteur dispose, conformément aux réglementations nationales et européennes en vigueur d’un droit d’accès permanent, de modification, de rectification, d’opposition et de portabilité s’agissant des informations le concernant. Ce droit peut être exercé dans les conditions et selon les modalités qui vous seront communiquées par notre Responsable de traitement que vous pouvez contacter par courriel à l’adresse suivante : Le Responsable de traitement vous répondra sous un mois maximum et aura la possibilité de prolonger le délai de deux mois supplémentaires en fonction de la complexité et du nombre de demandes, à condition d’informer la personne concernée dans le mois qui suit sa demande de droit d’accès. Si la demande est incomplète (absence de la pièce d’identité par exemple), le Responsable du traitement est en droit de demander des compléments : le délai est alors suspendu et court à nouveau une fois ces éléments fournis.En cochant la présente case, je déclare avoir pris connaissance des informations ci-dessus et consentir au traitement de mes données dans les conditions ci-dessus.